Vol. 9, No. 1 (December, 2009)

Several Measurements on Stressed Resonators --- from Violin without sound post up to Bell Cricket
Ken ITO, Yoshiharu SOETA, Tomohiro OHSAWA, Shin-ichi SATO, Ryota SHIMOKURA,, Yoshiyasu TAKEFUJI, Hajime OHIWA and Yoichi ANDO

Several different kinds of "STRESSED RESONATORS" are investigated. With the installation of a sound post a violinfs tone enriched not only in physical amplitude but also the autocorrelation function parameters and inter aural cross correlation parameters are gamplifiedh. The measurement for a simple model system with single STRESSED RESONATOR shows various possibilities in this direction.

Key words: violin, sound post, stress, resonator, autocorrelation function (ACF), Interaural cross-correlation function (IACF)

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