Vol. 9, No. 1 (December, 2009)

ACF analysis on Japanese Buddhist Chant
Tomohiro OHSAWA, Ryota SHIMOKURA, Shin-ichi SATO, Yoshiharu SOETA, Ken ITO and Yoichi ANDO

The parameters of autocorrelation functions (ACF) and inter-aural cross-correlation(IACC) functions of Japanese Buddhist Monk’s traditional chant in JYODO SHINSYU (Shinsyu Ohtani-ha) style are measured and calculated. According to the course of “NENBUTSU-WASAN”, monks change the way of vocal expression in various manner and make Buddhist Hymn’s CRESCENDI and ALLARGANDI in quite organized styles. In this paper we would show the variety of this expression showing the systematic changes of parameters in ACF and IACC analysis.

Key words: autocorrelation function (ACF), inter-aural cross-correlation function (IACC), chant, expression

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